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Top 5 Dental clinics In Noida, Uttar Pradesh

Experts Recommended Top 5 Dental clinics in Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India. These listed Dental clinics have been selected on the basis of a 30-point inspection. Including customer feedback, history, complaints, ratings, trust, satisfaction, cost and overall excellence. All these trusted and reliable best Dental clinics have been given the verified badges. Here you will find the updated contact and business information of these verified Dental clinics. Top Dental clinics is the best option for your local search 'Dental clinics near me'. Our team has prepared this list of Dental clinics with great care and effort because you deserve only the best.


Address : 401, Sector, 37, Shaheed Smarak Marg, Near Water Tank, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, 201301

About us

Dr. Sunali's Dental Solutions is a well-known dental clinic in Noida. The clinic provides a wide range of restorative and aesthetic dental operations to patients of all ages. They have held 100+ dental camps, completed 100000+ dental treatments, and satisfied 300000+ delighted consumers. They provide free consultations and substantial savings to all active and retired military personnel. Dr. Sunali specialises in basic surgical operations as well as restorative dentistry, which includes root canal therapy. She has over 22 years of expertise in the dental sector. She is continually up to date on the latest procedures and discoveries in the field of dentistry. She employs the most advanced and cutting-edge techniques to guarantee that the patient receives the most effective treatment possible.

Established in 1998


Teeth Whitening, Dentures (Complete and Partial), Gum Treatment, Dental Surgeries, Dental Implants, Crowns and Bridges, Root Canal Treatment, Kids, Cosmetic, Geriatric and Bridal Dentistry, Fixed Teeth Replacement, Orthodontic Treatment, X-Ray & Veneers

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Credit/Debit Card, Netbanking & Cash

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Prioritize Your Oral Health: Regular Dental Check-ups for Prevention

Preventing dental issues is more effective than dealing with their consequences. Regular dental check-ups, ideally once or twice a year, play a crucial role in maintaining optimal oral health. Beyond just cleaning and cavity checks, these check-ups can significantly reduce potential risks.

Here are compelling reasons why regular visits to a dental clinic are essential:
1. Tartar Removal:
Tartar, a hard residue on teeth and gums, results from food particles that are challenging to clean. Dental clinics utilize specialized tools to efficiently remove tartar, preventing gum diseases that may arise.

2. Regular X-rays:
Essential for assessing teeth, roots, jaw placement, and facial bone composition, regular X-rays can detect issues in early stages or prevent severe concerns that may not manifest as toothaches.

3. Oral Cancer Screening:
Oral cancer, a prevalent global concern, can originate in the mouth or lips. Regular dental check-ups include screenings, ensuring early detection and increasing chances of survival.

4. Cavity and Tooth Decay Prevention:
Common yet serious issues, cavities and tooth decay can lead to permanent damage. Proper oral care, coupled with dental visits, can prevent cavities. If issues escalate, prompt attention from a dental clinic is crucial.

Common Dental Treatments Offered in Noida Clinics:

1. Bridges:
Addressing missing teeth or gaps, dental bridges, crafted from precious metals or porcelain, provide functional and aesthetic solutions. Costs vary based on individual needs.

2. Crowns:
Caps covering teeth, made of metal, porcelain fused to metal, or ceramic, serve to shield damaged teeth and enhance overall strength.

3. Fillings:
Dentists use fillings to repair cavities caused by decay, utilizing various metals like mercury, silver, tin, gold, or copper. Fillings can last 7 to 15 years.

4. Root Canal Treatment:
Essential when the center of a tooth is infected, this treatment involves removing the infected part, followed by sealing with a filling or crown to prevent reinfection.

5. Scale and Polish:
Regular cleaning of teeth is crucial, and dentists recommend scale and polish to reach areas that regular brushing might miss, preventing gum-related diseases.

6. Braces:
For teeth alignment issues, braces made of metal, plastic, or ceramic offer solutions. They are removable for cleaning and adjustments.

7. Wisdom Teeth Removal:
Wisdom teeth can cause discomfort, and removal may be necessary. Symptoms like swollen gums or jaw pain warrant a dental visit.

8. Dental Implants:
Used to replace single or multiple teeth, dental implants prevent jawbone shrinkage and can last 20 to 30 years.

9. Dentures:
For missing teeth, dentures, available in full or partial forms made of acrylic or metal, offer practical solutions.

10. Teeth Whitening:
Enhance your smile with teeth whitening, a bleaching process performed at dental clinics for a lighter tooth color.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I require dental examinations?

Regular checkups help detect problems early, which can prevent larger and more expensive treatments later. You should have a dental exam every six months or more often if your dentist suggests.

How can I improve the appearance of my teeth and smile?

Caps and crowns hide problem teeth by encasing them in a tooth-like material. Veneers and bonding improve your smile by adding a smooth and white substance over natural teeth. Consult your dentist which solution is best for you.

Is it true that sweets and ice are hazardous for my teeth?

Yes, sugary and acidic foods, such as candy and soda, can stick to teeth and cause cavities. Tobacco use, including smoking and chewing, can lead to oral cancer and gum disease.

How to recognize the problems related to teeth in the initial stage?

If you are feeling any of the problems given below, then it is a sign for you that you should visit the dentist:
Swollen face or gums
Tooth sensitivity
Mouth sores
Jaw pain
Broken teeth
Dry mouth
Bleeding gums
Bad breath

Is Flossing Necessary?

Yes, teeth should be flossed daily. It cleans the food particles from between the teeth. Otherwise, the plaque may harden to form tartar.

1. How often should I visit a dental clinic?

Ideally, a yearly visit for a regular check-up is recommended. Immediate visits are necessary if dental problems arise.

2. Are dental clinics in Noida equipped with modern technology?

Yes, Noida dental clinics are well-equipped with modern technologies, including X-rays and dental drills.

3. Are dental X-rays safe and important?

Dental X-rays, crucial for diagnosis, have become safer with technological advancements, releasing minimal radiation.

4. Do dental fillings hurt?

Getting a filling doesn't hurt, as dentists use anesthetics. Post-filling, slight sensitivity may be experienced for a few days.

5. Are sweets and junk foods unhealthy for teeth?

Yes, sweets and acidic junk foods like candy, chocolates, pizza, and burgers can lead to cavities by sticking to teeth.

Who is the best in Noida, Uttar Pradesh.
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